شروط وأحكام الموقع الالكتروني

شروط وأحكام الموقع الالكتروني

أجريت آخر تعديلات على هذه الشروط والأحكام بتاريخ 5 مايو 2022.

تدير مدينة الشارقة للنشر الموقع الالكتروني. marketing.spcfz.ae. نعرض فيما يلي شروط الاستخدام التي تحكم استخدام الموقع (“شروط الاستخدام”). باستخدامك للموقع، فإنك توافق صراحة على الالتزام بشروط الاستخدام وسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بـ marketing.spcfz.ae واتباع شروط الاستخدام وجميع القوانين واللوائح المعمول بها التي تحكم استخدام الموقع. تحتفظ مدينة الشارقة للنشر بحق تغيير شروط الاستخدام في أي وقت، والتي تعتبر سارية بشكل فوري بمجرد نشرها على الموقع، لذا يرجى مراجعة هذه الصفحة بشكل دوري. سنقوم بإضافة ملاحظات أدنى الصفحة عند إجراء أيّ تحديثات على شروط الاستخدام. في حال انتهاكك لشروط الاستخدام هذه، يجوز لمدينة الشارقة للنشر إنهاء استخدامك للموقع، ومنعك من استخدام الموقع في المستقبل، و / أو اتخاذ الإجراء القانوني المناسب ضدك.

ترخيص محدود
بموجب متطلبات وقيود شروط الاستخدام هذه فأنت تُمنح ترخيصاً محدوداً وغير حصري وقابل للإلغاء وغير قابل للتحويل لاستخدام الموقع والدخول إليه. يجوز لمدينة الشارقة للنشر تغيير أو تعليق أو إيقاف أي جانب من جوانب الموقع في أي وقت. يجوز لمدينة الشارقة للنشر أيضاً، دون إشعار أو مسؤولية، فرض قيود على ميزات وخدمات معينة أو تقييد وصولك إلى كامل الموقع أو أجزاء منه. لن يكون لديك أي حقوق في ملكية البرامج والوثائق ذات الصلة، إن وجدت، المقدمة لك من أجل الوصول إلى الموقع. باستثناء المنصوص عليه في شروط الاستخدام، لا يحق لك، بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر، امتلاك، أو استخدام، أو إقراض، أو بيع، أو تأجير، أو إيجار، أو ترخيص، أو الترخيص من الباطن، أو تعيين، أو نسخ، أو ترجمة أو تعديل أو تغيير أو تحسين أو إنشاء أي أعمال جديدة مشتقة من الموقع، أو عرض أو توزيع أو تمثيل أو استغلال الموقع أو أي من محتوياته، بأي شكل من الأشكال (بما في ذلك البرامج) بشكل كامل أو جزئي.

  1. تشغيل الموقع: الإمارات العربية المتحدة هي بلد إقامتنا، حيث تتحكم مدينة الشارقة للنشر بهذا الموقع من دولة الإمارات. لا تقدم مدينة الشارقة للنشر أي ضمانات بمناسبة هذا الموقع للاستخدام في أماكن أخرى. إذا كنت تستخدم هذا الموقع من أماكن أخرى، فأنت مسؤول عن ضمان الامتثال للقوانين المحلية. لا يجوز لك استخدام أو تصدير أو إعادة تصدير أي مواد من هذا الموقع بما ينتهك أي قوانين أو لوائح سارية، بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، أي قوانين ولوائح تصدير في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
  2. القانون المعمول به: تحكم قوانين دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة استخدام الموقع وشروط الاستخدام، بغض النظر عن تعارض مبادئ القوانين. أيّ نزاعات قد تنشأ فيما يتعلق بذلك يجب أن تحلّ فقط في محكمة مختصة في الإمارات.
  3. المعاملات بعملات متعددة: سيكون السعر المعروض والعملة التي تقوم باختيارها، نفسه السعر والعملة التي يتم احتسابها من البطاقة وطباعتها على إيصال المعاملة.
  4. المشتريات: تقبل مدينة الشارقة للنشر الدفع باستخدام بطاقات الخصم والائتمان، فيزا او ماستركارد، بالدرهم الإماراتي مقابل منتجاتها وخدماتها. تخضع جميع عمليات الشراء عبر الإنترنت أيضاً لشروط وأحكام مزود الخدمات التجارية المعني. يرجى مراجعة اتفاقية المستخدم وسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بمزود الخدمات التجارية المعني قبل القيام بأي معاملة. تفسير. تحلّ شروط الاستخدام هذه محل جميع الاتصالات أو الاتفاقيات المكتوبة والشفوية الأخرى فيما يتعلق بالموضوعات التي تمت مناقشتها في شروط الاستخدام. سيكون التنازل عن شروط الاستخدام هذه أو تعديلها سارياً فقط إذا تم كتابياً وكان موقعاً من قبل مسؤول معتمد من مدينة الشارقة للنشر، كما ستتمّ إعادة المبالغ المستردة بنفس طريقة الدفع الأصلية..
  5. مكتب مراقبة الأصول الأجنبية (OFAC) للدول المحظورة:: لن تتعامل مدينة الشارقة للنشر أو تقدم أي خدمات للأفراد والشركات المملوكة أو التي يتحكم فيها أو تعمل لصالح أو نيابة عن الدول المعيّنة من قبل مكتب مراقبة الأصول الأجنبية، والأفراد والجماعات والكيانات، مثل الإرهابيين ومهربي المخدرات المصنفين بموجب برامج مكتب مراقبة الأصول الأجنبية غير الخاصة بدولة محددة.
  6. إقرارات من قِبلك: من خلال زيارة الموقع، فإنك تقرّ وتضمن وتتعهد بأنك (أ) تبلغ من العمر 18 عاماً على الأقل؛ (ب) أن جميع المواد، أيّاً كان نوعها، التي ترسلها إلى مدينة الشارقة للنشر من خلال الموقع أو ليتم إدراجها في الموقع لن تنتحل أو تنتهك أو تتعدى حقوق أي طرف ثالث بما في ذلك الأسرار التجارية وحقوق النشر والعلامات التجارية، أو المظهر التجاري، أو الخصوصية، أو براءة الاختراع، أو غيرها من الحقوق الشخصية أو حقوق الملكية. لا يجوز للعميل القاصر / أقل من 18 عاماً الذي يستخدم الموقع الالكتروني أن يقوم بالتسجيل كمستخدم ولا يجوز له القيام بالمعاملات أو استخدام الموقع.
  7. الاستخدام المسموح به: أنت توافق على أنك مخول فقط بزيارة وعرض والاحتفاظ بنسخة من صفحات هذا الموقع لاستخدامك الشخصي، وأنه لا يجوز لك نسخ المواد الموجودة على هذا الموقع، أو تنزيلها، أو نشرها، أو تعديلها، أو توزيعها بأي شكل آخر لأي غرض آخر بخلاف الاستخدام الشخصي، ما لم تأذن مدينة الشارقة للنشر بالقيام بذلك على وجه التحديد. أنت توافق أيضاً على عدم الارتباط العميق مع الموقع لأي غرض، ما لم يتم التصريح بذلك على وجه التحديد من قبل مدينة الشارقة للنشر. المحتوى والبرامج الموجودة على هذا الموقع هي ملك لمدينة الشارقة للنشر. يجب على حامل البطاقة الاحتفاظ بنسخة من سجلات المعاملات وسياسات وقواعد التاجر..

Sharjah Publishing City Free Zone maintains the https://spcfz.ae/ Website. The following are the terms of use that govern the use of the Site (“Terms of Use”). By using the Site, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and the spcfz.ae privacy policy and to follow these Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations governing the use of the Site. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, effective immediately upon posting on the Site. Please check this page of the Site periodically. We will note when there are updates to the Terms of Use at the bottom of the Terms of Use. If you violate these Terms of Use, Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may terminate your use of the Site, bar you from future use of the Site, and/or take appropriate legal action against you.

Limited License
You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, and non-transferable license to utilize and access the Site pursuant to the requirements and restrictions of these Terms of Use. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Site at any time. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may also, without notice or liability, impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to all or portions of the Site. You shall have no rights to the proprietary software and related documentation if any, provided to you in order to access the Site. Except as provided in the Terms of Use, you shall have no right to directly or indirectly, own, use, loan, sell, rent, lease, license, sublicense, assign, copy, translate, modify, adapt, improve, or create any new or derivative works from, or display, distribute, perform, or in any way exploit the Site, or any of its contents (including software) in whole or in part.

  1. Site Operation: The United Arab Emirates is our Country of Domicile. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) controls this Site from the U.A.E. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) makes no representation that this Site is appropriate for use in other locations. If you use this Site from other locations, you are responsible for ensuring compliance with local laws. You may not use, export or re-export any materials from this Site in violation of any applicable laws or regulations, including, but not limited to any U.A.E export laws and regulations.
  2. Applicable Law: The Laws of the United Arab Emirates shall govern the use of the Site and the Terms of Use, without regards to conflict of laws principles. All disputes arising in connection therewith shall be heard only by a court of competent jurisdiction in U.A.E.
  3. Multi-Currency Priced Transaction: The displayed price and currency selected by you, will be the same price and currency charged to the Card and printed on the Transaction Receipt.
  4. Purchases: Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) accepts payment by Visa or Mastercard debit and credit cards in AED for its products and services. All online purchases are also governed by the terms and conditions of respective merchant service providers. Please review the respective merchant service provider’s user agreement and privacy policy before entering any transaction. Interpretation. These Terms of Use supersede all other written and oral communications or agreements with regard to the subject matters discussed in these Terms of Use. A waiver or modification of these Terms of Use will only be effective if made in writing signed by an authorized officer of SPC. All refunds will be made into the original mode of payment.
  5. Office Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Sanctioned Countries: Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) will not trade with or provide any services to individuals and companies owned or controlled by or acting for or on behalf of, OFAC targeted countries AND individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under the OFAC programs that are not country-specific.
  6. Representations By You: By visiting the Site, you represent, warrant and covenant that (a) you are at least 18 years old; (b) that all materials of any kind submitted by you to Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) through the Site or for inclusion on the Site will not plagiarize, violate or infringe upon the rights of any third-party including trade secret, copyright, trademark, trade dress, privacy, patent, or other personal or proprietary rights. The customer using the website who are Minor /under the age of 18 shall not register as a User of the website and shall not transact on or use the website.
  7. Permitted Use: You agree that you are only authorized to visit, view and retain a copy of pages of this Site for your own personal use, that you shall not duplicate, download, publish, modify, or otherwise distribute the material on this Site for any purpose other than for personal use, unless otherwise specifically authorized by Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) to do so. You also agree not to deep-link to the site for any purpose, unless specifically authorized by Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) to do so. The content and software on this Site is the property of Sharjah Publishing City (SPC). The cardholder must retain a copy of transaction records and Merchant policies and rules.
  8. Your Account: If you use Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) Site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your account from any devices, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. The Site shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, in any way for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of, or in connection with, your failure to comply with this section.
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Copyright Policy: Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may terminate the privileges of any user who uses this Site to unlawfully transmit copyrighted material without a license, express consent, valid defense, or fair use exemption to do so. If you submit information to this Site, you warrant that the information does not infringe the copyrights or other rights of third parties.

Intellectual Property: Although Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) is not responsible for the content, quality or accuracy of data provided by users, compilations of such data, text, information, and other materials made available to users through SPC’s system. The On-line Materials are SPC intellectual property and are protected by the U.S. and international intellectual property laws. The On-line Materials may not be copied or redistributed either in whole or in part without the prior written consent of SPC, except as expressly and specifically permitted under these Terms of Use.

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You acknowledge and agree that Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) will own all rights, titles and interests in and to any copy, translation, modification, adaptation, derivative work or improvement of the On- line Materials made by or for you. At SPC request, you must execute, or obtain the execution of, any instrument that may be necessary to assign these rights, titles or interests to Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) or perfect these rights, titles or interests in SPC’s name.


Violation Of Terms Of Use: You understand and agree that in SPC sole discretion, and without prior notice, Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may terminate your access to the Site or exercise any other remedy available and remove any unauthorized user information if Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) believes that the information you provide has violated or is inconsistent with these Terms of Use, or violates the rights of SPC, or any third party, or violates the law. You agree that monetary damages may not provide a sufficient remedy to Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) for violations of these Terms of Use and you consent to injunctive or other equitable relief for such violations. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may release user information about you if required by law or subpoena.

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License Granted By You: By providing materials to SPC, including by submitting or uploading content or materials for use on the Site you represent and warrant that you or the owner of all rights to such content or materials has expressly granted Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) an irrevocable worldwide right in all languages and in perpetuity to use and exploit all or any part of the content and materials provided by you. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) may publish and distribute any such submitted content or materials at its sole discretion by any method now existing or later developed. You agree that you shall waive all claims and have no recourse against Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary rights in any communication, content or material submitted to Sharjah Publishing City (SPC). Any communication or materials you send to Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary and may be disseminated or used by Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) for any purpose, including, but not limited to, developing, creating, manufacturing, or marketing products or services.

Advertising: The Site may contain advertisements and/or sponsorships. The advertisers and/or sponsors that provide these advertisements and sponsorships are solely responsible for ensuring that the materials submitted for inclusion on the Site are accurate and comply with all applicable laws. Sharjah Publishing City (SPC) is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any advertiser or sponsor.Severability: If any provision of the Terms of Use is held to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect.

Visa Quota: For the Publishing and Standard Packages, 100 visa quotas are subject to approval and are only available if you lease a facility in SPC Free Zone. With coworking, you can get up to 6 visa quotas.

Payment Policies
Payment confirmation (for services): Once the payment is made, the confirmation notice will be sent to the client via email within 5 business days of receipt of payment.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation requests after payment has been made will not be accepted.

Refund Policy:Authority reserves the right to suspend all services to Company and withdraw the Company’s license if there are any overdue invoices. Company shall settle all invoices raised by the Authority without any setoff or deduction and free and clear of all taxes and in a manner so that the Authority shall receive full value in cleared funds.Authority reserves the right to consider a refund application based on the criteria given below: Immigration card is rejected. Authority reserves the right to enforce an administrative fee of AED 2,100 in case of Immigration card rejection.Refunds will be made as per the original mode of payment and will be processed within 10 to 45 days depending on the issuing bank of the credit card.Authority reserves the right to reject any refund application.Authority reserves the right to reject any refund applications if the Immigration Card of Company has been rejected by the Immigration Department due to any pending criminal or civil cases against the Representatives of the Company.Authority reserves the right to reject any refund applications if the Company fails to provide any attested original documents requested that of the Representatives.Refund is not applicable for supplementary services.Headings & section titles in this Agreement are for convenience and do not define, limit, or extend any provision of this Agreement.

For Website
Acceptance of terms through use:

Use of this site will constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions contained herein. Sharjah Publishing City – Free Zone authority reserves the right to revise these terms of use at any time and will post any such changes online.It is the user’s responsibility to check periodically for any changes that may have been posted.The continued use of the site pursuant to the posting of any changes will constitute the user’s implied acceptance of the modified terms and conditions of use.

Terms & Conditions for Visa Applications
Sharjah Publishing City – Free Zone authority will commence any application once proper and complete documents are submitted and payment is cleared.The cut-off time for documents to be submitted and payments to be received is 1:00PM, anything received after this time will be considered towards the following workingThe timeline correlates to working days and not calendarDuring periods in and around Ramadan, days of mourning, Eid and other national or religious holidays, the indicated timelines are likely to get extended.It is now a requirement to have medical insurance after the issuance of the E-visa and before proceeding with the residency application. We will assist you in selecting the insurance provider that best suits your needs from the list of authorized insurance providers by ICP

Licensing services
Terms & Conditions for Trade Name
  1. The trade name shall not be previously reserved for the same activity or other activities in the same group.
  2. The trade name shall not include any form of religious wording.
  3. The trade name shall not include the name of any person, but it may only include partner/owner name registered in the license.
  4. It is not permitted to translate the trade names; the name shall be transliterated in two languages.
  5. Any names of countries, regions, or governments, as well as global political organizations, sectarian, or religious affiliations, must be excluded from the trade name.
  6. The trade name must not be identical or confusingly like a local or international brand or a trademark registered with the Ministry of Economy.
  7. The trade name must be compatible with the company’s activity and legal form.
  8. It is not allowed to reserve a trade name beginning with the word “Universal”, “Middle East”, “International” or translate the same to Arabic.
  9. The reservation of trade name is valid for six months; otherwise, the customer shall reserve the trade name again and pay all applicable fees.
  10. It is not allowed to register the trademarks with the Sharjah Publishing City – Free Zone authority; but you shall register the trademarks with the Trademarks Department of the Ministry of Economy.
  11. The trade name will be automatically cancelled at the end of the reservation period if the customer fails to issue the commercial License.
  12. Sharjah Publishing City – Free Zone authority has the right to cancel or change the trade name if the name is like an existing trade name as per the regulations of the free zone.

Terms & Conditions for New License
  • Licenses will be issued in 45 minutes; however, some applications are subject to fulfil and comply with MOE

Terms & Conditions for Renewal of License
  1. The renewal cost of the license will be the same on the first year. At the point where additional visa allocation is required, a license fee upgrade (as per the package at the time of sign up) will be charged accordingly.
  2. A license can only be either renewed or canceled. Failure to renew or cancel may result in fines.
  3. Fines of 200 AED per month will apply for license renewed after the 1-month grace period. Additionally, immigration fines may be incurred for expired establishment card and eChannel.
  4. Failure to renew the trade license at least 60 days prior to its expiry will result to the suspension of SPC services.Visas, NOC’s, salary certificates etc. will not be available until renewal is completed.
  5. If payment for the renewal (Co-working and Facility package) is not received at the time of license expiry, all ancillary services will be discontinued i.e. dedicated telephone number, P.O. Box you have subscribed for. This means that new fees will apply including any fines and reconnections charges.
  6. Any promotion availed at the time of set up is valid for 2 months unless specified otherwise.
  7. All processed applications should complete within 15 days from the date of submission, otherwise it will be cancelled.

Terms & Conditions for Visa Services
Timeline may take more time for certain applications where further verification from Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, & Port Security and other external approvals are required.Once change of status is completed, travelling outside of the UAE is not possible until the passport is stamped with the residency visa, or the entry permit is cancelled.

Terms and Conditions for “Instant License” Service
  1. Eligibility: The “Instant License” service is available for eligible individuals interested in specific activities. Eligibility criteria will be assessed based on predefined parameters, and applicants must meet the specified requirements.
  2. Processing Time: The issuance of the “Instant License” is expedited, and the entire process takes just 15 minutes for qualified individuals. This rapid processing time is subject to the submission of complete and accurate documentation.
  3. Formation Type: The “Instant License” package is applicable only to the Free Zone Establishment (FZE) formation type. Applicants must ensure that they meet the criteria for FZE and select this formation type during the application process.
  4. Documentation Requirements: To qualify for the “Instant License,” applicants must submit all required documents promptly. Incomplete or inaccurate documentation may result in delays or disqualification from the expedited process.
  5. Activity Specific: This package is designed for individuals engaged in specific activities as outlined by the licensing authority. Applicants must adhere to the designated business activities to be eligible for the “Instant License.”
  6. Compliance: Successful applicants are required to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and licensing conditions. Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in the revocation of the “Instant License.”
  7. Validity: The “Instant License” is valid for a specified duration, and renewal conditions apply. It is the responsibility of the license holder to ensure timely renewal to avoid any disruptions in business operations.
  8. Fee Structure: The fee structure for the “Instant License” is outlined by the licensing authority and must be paid in full during the application process. Any additional fees or charges related to the licensing process are the responsibility of the applicant.
  9. Discretionary Approval: The issuance of the “Instant License” is subject to the discretionary approval of the licensing authority. The authority reserves the right to reject applications that do not meet the specified criteria or are deemed incompatible with the nature of the package.
  10. Terms and Conditions Update: These terms and conditions are subject to change, and applicants are advised to review them periodically for any updates. Changes may be implemented at the discretion of the licensing authority.
  11. The licensing authority reserves the right to revoke or suspend the instant license in case of non-compliance, violation of terms, or any breach of regulations.
  12. Investor/Partner visas are limited to the number of shareholders in the company. The maximum shareholders that a single company can have is 7 individuals.