Streamlined Process for UAE Visa Renewal for Free Zone Companies: A 2024 Guide

August 16, 2024
visa renewal uae

The UAE has rapidly become a global business hub, attracting professionals and entrepreneurs from around the world. It offers diverse options for business setup, each with its own advantages, and although mainland company formation in Dubai offers access to local markets, many businesses choose free zone companies for their operational ease, flexibility, and the numerous incentives provided by these zones. 

A key aspect of establishing a presence in the UAE is securing a visa, which is crucial for legal residency and conducting business in the country. Typically granted for two to three years, these visas must be renewed as their expiration date approaches to ensure continued compliance with UAE immigration regulations. The renewal process for businesses operating within SPC Free Zone is remarkably seamless, mainly owing to the SPC Free Zone online portal. This user-friendly platform, specifically tailored for free zone businesses, guides them step-by-step through renewal, saving time and reducing administrative burdens. By operating in a free zone like SPC Free Zone, businesses benefit from a favourable environment and efficient processes that make day-to-day operations more manageable. 

Here’s how you can do it:

5 Steps of UAE Visa Renewal for Free Zone Companies:

  1. Log in to the SPC Free Zone’s Online Portal: Begin the visa renewal procedure by navigating SPC Free Zone’s web portal, which is designed to expedite business operations. Access the portal’s visa renewal area by logging in with your allotted credentials. Thanks to this secure access, all confidential employee and corporate data is safeguarded throughout the renewal process.
  1. Fill Out the Visa Renewal Application: The online application form for a visa renewal must be filled out after logging in. It needs only essential information on the employee whose visa is being extended and is designed to be simple and easy to use. 
  1. Upload the Required Documents: After completing the application form, companies must upload the required documentation to support the visa renewal. These documents usually include a copy of the employee’s passport, a current passport-sized photo, and any other particular documents needed. To ensure a seamless procedure and the timely submission of all necessary papers, the portal offers explicit instructions on the size and format of the files that must be uploaded.
  1. Pay the Visa Renewal Fees: The next step is to pay the expenses associated with renewing your visa, which can be easily done online using the site. Different costs apply depending on the kind of visa being renewed and the length of time requested for the renewal. 
  1. Wait for Approval: The last step is to wait for SPC Free Zone to approve the application and payment. After reviewing the application, the authority could occasionally ask for more details or supporting documentation for the renewal. The authorities will grant the visa renewal when the review is finished and all conditions are satisfied. Businesses will receive notification via the site, and after the renewal visa is completed, the employee may continue with their employment uninterrupted.

This efficient process helps ensure that your business complies with UAE regulations while minimising administrative burdens.


SPC Free Zone online portal’s streamlined visa renewal process offers a practical solution for businesses in the UAE. By adhering to five simple steps, employers can efficiently renew their employees’ visas, saving time and ensuring strict compliance with regulations. This improved process not only simplifies administrative tasks but also contributes to a smoother and more efficient business experience in the UAE.

To know more about SPC or our visa renewal service, please visit or call 800 SPCFZ (77239)

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