How To Conduct Agriculture Support Activities In The UAE

July 23, 2024

The UAE, a nation synonymous with innovation and desert landscapes, might surprise you with its thriving agricultural sector. However, this wouldn’t be possible without a robust network of agriculture support activities. These activities play a crucial role in ensuring the success of UAE farms, fostering sustainable practices, and maximising yields.

Today, the UAE agriculture industry has extensively used technology to overcome its limitations. Desalination for irrigation, greenhouses with climate control, and hydroponics have transformed the landscape. Hand in hand with this shift is the growing focus on environmental responsibility. Initiatives like the Sharjah wheat farm project and government support for reduced water usage demonstrate the UAE’s commitment to sustainable agriculture. 

With this focused support on the industry, support activities that are key in enabling agricultural success are in high demand. There are multiple areas to consider when setting up your business, including what business structure to go ahead with, and where to get your license. For entrepreneurs who wish to break into this rewarding and profitable field, you can start with an instant license from SPC Free Zone.

0160.00 – Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities

This activity encompasses activities that support agricultural production and those resembling agriculture but not primarily for harvesting purposes, typically conducted under fee or contract arrangements. It also covers post-harvest activities focused on preparing agricultural products for sale in the primary market. 

These tasks may involve a range of services such as crop preparation, packaging, and initial processing, all aimed at ensuring agricultural products meet market standards and are ready for distribution and sale.

Post-harvest crop activities can include sorting, grading, and packing – including labelling the harvest according to regulations. They can also include storage and transportation, such as temperature-controlled environments and transporting the harvest to markets, processing faculties, or distribution centres. These activities also involve processing and packaging, such as cleaning, drying, milling, juicing, caning, or freezing crops. This helps in extending shelf life and preparing the harvest for sale. 

Beyond this stage, it can also include marketing and distribution, such as helping farmers find buyers for their crops, negotiating prices, and appealing to the right customer base.

  • Third-party Approval: Business activity 0160.00 is exempt from this requirement
  • Filing of Economic Substance Return: Business activity 0160.00 is exempt from this requirement
  • Anti-Money Laundering Compliance: Business activity 0160.00 is exempt from this requirement

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