How To Set Up A Musical Instrument Manufacturing Business In The UAE

May 31, 2024

A niche industry in the UAE, specialists who focus on the manufacturing of musical instruments are very likely ahead of the game. The UAE has a growing music scene that’s picking up pace each year, allowing small-scale manufacturers and workshops to establish their presence amidst the import market, dominated by big names such as Yamaha and Fender.

There is ample opportunity for instrument makers to establish themselves in the UAE, especially for niche or custom instruments. Good craftsmanship combined with an effective marketing strategy can place an instrument maker on the map. 

The process of musical instrument manufacturing can vary depending on the instrument itself, generally encompassing design, material selection, component building, assembly, finishing, and stringent quality control. Of course, each category of instruments is unique and produces sound differently, which means each requires reliable expertise. 

From percussion to string, wind, and electronic, the segments are vast, and an instrument manufacturer can choose whether or not to focus on one specialty or diversify. 
These are some of the business activities you can choose from:

3220.00 – Manufacture of Musical instruments

Manufacture of Musical Instruments involves the creation of devices that produce sound for musical purposes. This encompasses a wide range of instruments, from traditional acoustic instruments to modern electronic ones.

The business activity includes the production of stringed instruments like guitars and violins, keyboard instruments such as pianos and organs, wind instruments like flutes and trumpets, percussion instruments like drums and cymbals, and electronic instruments like synthesizers. Additionally, it covers the production of instrument parts and accessories essential for musical performance.

  • 3220.01 – Manufacture of stringed instruments 
    This category includes the production of musical instruments that produce sound through vibrating strings. Examples include guitars, violins, cellos, harps, and ukuleles.
  • 3220.02 – Manufacture of keyboard stringed instruments, including automatic pianos 
    This category covers instruments that combine strings and a keyboard. The most common example is the piano, which includes both acoustic and digital pianos. Automatic pianos, which can play themselves, also fall under this category.
  • 3220.03 – Manufacture of keyboard pipe organs, including harmoniums and similar keyboard instruments with free metal reeds
    This category focuses on instruments that produce sound by wind passing through pipes controlled by a keyboard. Pipe organs are the primary example, along with harmoniums and similar instruments using metal reeds.
  • 3220.04 – Manufacture of accordions and similar instruments, including mouth organs
    This category includes instruments that produce sound by air being forced through reeds when keys or buttons are pressed. Accordions and harmonicas are common examples.
  • 3220.05 – Manufacture of wind instruments
    This category covers instruments that produce sound by vibrating air columns. Examples include flutes, clarinets, trumpets, saxophones, and oboes.
  • 3220.06 – Manufacture of percussion musical instruments
    This category includes instruments that produce sound through vibration or impact. Examples include drums, cymbals, xylophones, and tambourines.
  • 3220.07 – Manufacture of musical instruments, the sound of which is produced electronically
    This category encompasses instruments that generate sound electronically. Examples include synthesizers, electric guitars, electric pianos, and electronic drums.
  • 3220.08 – Manufacture of musical boxes, fairground organs, calliopes etc.
    This category covers mechanical instruments that produce music through automated mechanisms. Musical boxes, fairground organs, and calliopes are examples of such instruments.
  • 3220.09 – Manufacture of instrument parts and accessories: metronomes, tuning forks, pitch pipes, cards, discs and rolls for automatic mechanical instruments etc.
    This category includes the production of components and accessories used in musical instruments. Examples include strings, reeds, valves, tuning forks, and music sheets.   
  • 3220.10 – Manufacture of whistles, call horns and other mouth-blown sound signalling instruments
    This category covers instruments primarily used for signaling rather than musical performance, although they can produce musical notes. Examples include whistles, horns, and sirens.

The manufacture of musical instruments excludes: the reproduction of pre-recorded sound and video tapes and discs; the manufacture of microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, headphones and similar components; the manufacture of record players, tape recorders and the like; the manufacture of toy musical instruments; the restoration of organs and other historic musical instruments; the publishing of pre-recorded sound and video tapes and discs; and piano tuning.

  • Third-party Approval: No third-party approval is required for these business activities.
  • Filing of Economic Substance Return: Business activity 3220.00 and its sub-activities are exempt from this requirement.
  • Anti-Money Laundering Compliance: Business activity 3220.00 and its sub-activities are exempt from this requirement.

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