How To Set Up A Web Design Company in Dubai, UAE

May 5, 2023

Establishing a web design company in Dubai, UAE can be a promising and lucrative business opportunity, given the growing demand for digital solutions with many businesses shifting towards online platforms.

The UAE offers a business-friendly environment, with various government initiatives and policies supporting entrepreneurship, and poses a strategic location in the middle east, easily accessible to European, Asian, and African markets.

If you are a talented web designer aspiring to set up a business in the UAE market, we invite you to read our article which covers the fundamentals of establishing a successful web design company in Dubai, UAE.

1.      Creating a company portfolio

Your portfolio is like your ID when it comes to conquering the work market. Building a strong and eye-catching portfolio should be your priority before knocking on the doors of your future clients. If you are new in the domain with blank spaces in your resume, there are easy and simple ways to fill in these spaces. One way to build your portfolio is by offering your services for little or free of charge, to attract low-budget clients and start filling your portfolio with examples of your work.  Put in the projects you’re most proud of, and make sure to highlight any well-known names you have worked with. A portfolio is the most important stepping stone for a web design company in Dubai, UAE.

2.      Market research

Good market research will give you an idea about the average rates of the market to know how you’re going to charge your services. The market research also helps you understand your customers better to know the right market to focus on and the best ways to reach your audience. Utilize your market research to know how to attract your audience by studying the most effective sales and marketing strategies.

Market research will also give you an insight into your future competitors, their services, strategies, and prices, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

3.      Choosing the right jurisdiction

There are three legal forms of companies in the UAE:

  1. Off-shore companies.
  2. Mainland companies.
  3. Free zone companies.

There are some key differences between these three jurisdictions, each having its own benefits and conditions. As a web designer who has the liberty to work from anywhere, a free zone company is your best choice.

Some of the benefits offered by free zones are:

  • 100% foreign ownership.
  • 100% repatriation of capital and profits.
  • 0% personal income tax.
  • easy and fast establishment.
  • ongoing support during the setup process and later stages.

Steps of establishing your free zone web design company in Dubai, UAE

Step 1: Choose your business activities.

Free zones allow you to combine multiple activities under one professional license. At SPC Free Zone, you can choose from over 2000 business activities, with many information and computer programming service activities related to web design.

Step 2: Choose your company name.

Choosing a unique and attractive name for your startup company is an essential task. However, you should bear in mind that there are several strict rules for naming companies in the UAE that prohibits using offensive or blasphemous language and any reference to religious or governmental entities, among other rules you should comply with.

Step 3: Submit your application and documents.

Once you’ve chosen a name for your business, fill out the necessary paperwork and submit it for approval. It’s recommended to work with a specialized business establishment entity, like SPC Free Zone, to navigate you through all these stages with the least effort and time.

Step 4: Obtain your license.

After the approval of your business activities, you will receive the Memorandum of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, and other documents. Next, you can apply for any additional documents you need such as your visa, and work permits.

How SPC Free Zone can help you to set up your web design company?

Established in 2017 in the heart of Sharjah, SPC Free Zone provides various state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities, including coworking spaces, offices, warehousing, and retail stores, all in a regulatory framework favorable to businesses.

SPC Free Zone promotes entrepreneurship and offers simple and value-added business support services. Whether you need an e-commerce license in UAE, a general trading license, or a professional license, we have it all covered. Additionally, you can apply for a dual-licensing option that provides mainland and free zone on the same license and up to 20 visas. Furthermore, the on-site immigration services allow you to get your license in just 45 minutes, and your UAE residency in 5 working days.

Contact SPC Free Zone for help with your business setup in the UAE today!

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