A podcast about vulnerability and entrepreneurship

Our Favourite Episodes

What Guests Are Saying

The Finding Founders podcast is hosted by Samuel Donner, a storyteller with a knack for entrepreneurship.

Sam graduated UCLA in Mechanical Engineering and quickly realized that he had a burning desire to tell the stories of the most inspirational individuals around him.

Armed with a microphone, he ventures to delve deeply into the life stories of entrepreneurs and understand why they chose this difficult and unpredictable path.

This is Finding Founders, a podcast showcasing the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of the world and our journey to find the founders responsible.

With our Host Samuel Donner and in partnership with UCLA, the Finding Founders podcast works to enrich and educate the communities around us.

We delve deeply into the stories of our founders and highlight the moments where they were most vulnerable. Inspiration doesn’t come from lauding success after success, but rather inspiration is born from identifying with hardship. From that low point, we climb the ladder of success, and reveal how and why these people pursue entrepreneurship.

The Finding Founders podcast is based in Los Angeles, California, and we are available to travel for interviews.