Most Popular Home-Based Business Ideas

December 16, 2021
Home-Based Business Ideas

One of the biggest differences between pre and post-pandemic life has happened in work and business culture. We have effectively shifted from in-office culture to a flexible work-from-home setup, creating a tidal wave of changes to how employees work and businesses function. An effect of this change can be seen in the ongoing boom of small businesses, which primarily function out of the entrepreneur’s home. These small businesses have seen major success with social media-driven sales and a dedicated customer base due to an established brand presence. In this article, we explore the various home-based business options available to you.

1. Craft-related businesses

Venturing out into a craft-related business is one of the most lucrative opportunities in the SME sector. Handmade trinkets and art both have a large customer base that is willing to use their purchasing power to purchase aesthetic or “cute” goods. Selling on an independent website or on social media sites like Instagram or Facebook are great ways to keep your business relevant and in the eyes of your target audience.

2. E-commerce sales

If you have access to goods that are not easily available or accessible within your area, purchasing bulk quantities of that goods and selling them individually to customers online is a great way to venture out into the field of business. Goods like local spices and foods or other aesthetic products not easily available in the local market are great options that are guaranteed to bring in customers to your business easily.

3. Tutoring

If you have a skill set that’s in demand and a knack for teaching others, this venture may be the one for you. Tutoring students or other individuals through video calls have become the norm, and many find it convenient to both learn as well as teach from the comfort of their own homes. Subjects like math, languages, and science are particularly popular, though if you have a specific skill set, you could easily charge a premium for your service.

4. Service based businesses

If you have a skill set that is needed in an advisory role or is specialized in a talent that is hard to replicate otherwise, venturing out into a service-based space may be the best option for you. Covering virtually every specialization from accounting and financial advisory, to graphic design and career coaching, this field is vast and provides itself as a lucrative opportunity to those who have the skills needed to provide the service in question.

5. Subscription Box Business

There has been a boom in the subscription box industry, where more individuals find themselves purchasing subscription boxes that contain anything from stationery and books to makeup and clothes. You can choose a product line to enter into and create aesthetic packages containing great quality items that can be sent out to customers who subscribe to your business boxes.

Starting a home-based business is a comfortable way to ease yourself into the world of entrepreneurship and makes running a business as a whole a more enjoyable and less stressful process. The low initial investment makes starting a business at home much more attractive in terms of how low risk it can be compared to starting up a typical brick-and-mortar business. In the UAE, these businesses are thriving and the requirements to run one legally are also low. All you really need is the appropriate license associated with the line of business you choose to engage in, and in the case of businesses like home baking, abiding by certain laws regarding sanitation and health regulations is required.

Starting a home-based business doesn’t have to be hard. Our experts here at SPC Free Zone (Sharjah Free Zone) can help you set up the business of your dreams with no hassle! Contact us at 800 SPCFZ to bring your entrepreneurial dreams to life.

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